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Fall Asleep Fast Sleep Meditation for Creating a Healing Space

Today’s deep sleep meditation to help you fall asleep fast is about cultivating space for a new realm of healing to take place. For your health to thrive, you need a coordinated effort of many moving parts, just like an orchestra coordinating on stage to create a perfect harmony. Today I will guide you to build the stage, open the curtains, and harmonize with the healing powers of the universe.

This healing will take place as you drift to a deep, uninterrupted sleep and all through the night. Tonight, fill your mind with profoundly healing thoughts and positive affirmations to encourage amazing health and vitality.

Meditation written by Les Raymond and Read by Sara Raymond

Music Credit: Enlighten Me (Theta) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke from

Do not listen while driving. Meditation is a powerful tool to support your healing journey. It is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.

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