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Recover from a Challenging Day Sleep Meditation

If you are looking to reduce overall stress or experience emotional or physical healing, this relaxing deep sleep meditation will help you get to sleep quickly and heal throughout your productive night sleep.  By slowing down your breath, you will be able to slow down your body and mind to send a message of comfort and safety to your nervous system.  There is a powerful connection between your breath and your nervous system which allows you to move out of fight or flight and into a state of rest and recovery.  Tonight, join me on a blissfully relaxing journey into a peaceful and healing sleep.

This recording consists of about 1 hour guided meditation and 1 hour relaxing sleep music.


Meditation written and Read by Sara Raymond

Music Credit: Enlighten Me (Theta) by Christopher Lloyd Clarke from

Do not listen while driving.

Meditation is a powerful tool to support your healing journey. It is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed. 

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