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Guided Deep Sleep Meditation for Physical or Emotional Pain Relief

Heal from physical and emotional pain while you sleep. Relax your body and mind, let go of resistance to any pain you have currently, have had in the past, or any expectations of pain. You may resist pain, perhaps because you don’t like to be uncomfortable, as this is human nature. This causes the pain to be pushed down and not processed and then released. This resistance to the sensations in your body and the negative associations with these feelings can cause additional suffering. While this meditation practice is not a substitute for medical treatment if needed, it can help to ease the suffering and help you find the positive to connect with.


The physical sensations you experience are your body’s way to give you a message. It is your body’s way to ask you to pay attention to what is most needed. If those signals are ignored or suppressed, they will continue showing up and eventually they will be more obvious and impossible to ignore.


Recognize what you are feeling in this moment. As you acknowledge your experience, allow it to be just as it is with acceptance. This is not to say you are giving up. You are simply not adding more suffering by resisting reality. Invite ease into the areas that may be asking for your attention.


Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond

Music Credit: Wandering in the Warmth by Christopher Lloyd Clarke from


Do not listen while driving. Meditation is a powerful tool to support your healing journey. It is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.

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