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Deep Self-Nourishment for Challenging Times

What would it be like to look at your “so-called” negative qualities, the ones that are keeping you stuck or causing dis-harmony, and go below the surface to curiously inquire, what is at the heart of these qualities?


And even more powerful, what would change when you nourish and love that part of you? When you can recognize a difficult emotion and understand why you have developed this emotion, you have the power to make a change, to be flexible and bend without breaking. I invite you to join me today to sit with yourself and go within to nourish what is beneath your challenges to grow and show up in the world intentionally.


This practice was inspired by Mark Nepo's "The Book of Awakening" “We can return and begin again by facing ourselves. In this way, we can go below our hardened ways to the soft impulses that birth them. Instead of breaking the bone of our stubbornness, we can nourish the marrow of our feeling unheard. Instead of breaking the bone of our fear, we can cleanse the blood of our feeling unsafe. Instead of counting the scars from being hurt in the world, we can find and re-kiss the very spot in our soul where we began to withhold our trust.”


Journal Prompt:

I am the kind of person who...

I am the kind of person who used to...

I am the kind of person who would like to...


Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond

Music Credit: Wandering in the Warmth by Christopher Lloyd Clarke from


Do not listen while driving. Meditation is a powerful tool to support your healing journey. It is not a substitute for medical care. Consult a doctor or trusted health professional if needed.

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